Well, Mardi Gras is upon us. We just wrapped up the first weekend of parades. It rained Friday and Saturday. But Sunday was just perfect. Overcast, little breeze, 60-ish. I caught the two parades in Thibodaux on Sunday. I'd never seen a Thibodaux parade so I figured why not.
They were pretty cool. Not has heavy-throwing as the Houma parades. But there's lots of floats and lots of room on the streets. It's just an all around good time. And before, between and after the parades, everybody hangs out on the streets downtown. So it's like an all-day block party with two parades in the middle.
So here are some random shots from today. I wasn't working, I just had my camera with me. (what's new right?) I didn't take any pictures on Friday because it was raining and... to be honest... I just didn't feel like taking pictures.
And on another note... I accomplished a first on Friday night. I had a few hours between work and the Hercules parade so I went for a run. I ended up running 6.3 miles. The longest I've ever run. Including Cross Country in high school. I'm pretty sure we never went more than 5 or 6 miles during practice. But I could be wrong. And if we did, I'm pretty sure I didn't run the entire way.
anyway, here's my chart for that run.
And after I got back from Thibodaux today, I went for another run. I told myself to take it kind of light, but I ended up running 5 miles, including up and down the twin spans twice. Oops. Here's the chart for that run.