So I'm fighting back sleep to post this stuff.
First, a couple photos from a car wreck earlier this week. A pregnant teenager ran a stop sign and hit a car full of teenagers after school. The second car then drove into the front porch of an old lady. Nobody was hurt, and the pregnant teen was just shooken up and scared a little. (thank goodness, this could have been a lot worse)
Anyway, my favorite pics from the scene weren't of the scene at all. But rather of a couple of onlookers in nearby houses.
I just thought those were kind of fun.
Now then... On Thursday, I had some free time and decided to cash in my change jar and buy a bike. Not a bad way to spend some free time uh? So I've taken it out a couple times around town. I also found some trails behind a neighborhood that has some dips and hills and ramps and things so I can do some "off road" stuff too.
Friday night, the Vandebilt Catholic girls soccer team played for the state championship in Houma. They won it last year and always seem to be in the finals, so it was nothing new. But it's always fun to cover a state championship. Here are a few shots.
Now, this next shot isn't anything great, just a bunch of high school kids being high school kids. But there's a little story behind them. They all stood on the other side of the stadium (where I was) to watch the game. A few minutes into the game they start chanting "Camera Guy! Camera Guy!"
So I turn around and they all erupt louder than when their team scored a goal. So I wave and point at them and continue to shoot the game. A few minutes later, they start chanting again... "Camera Guy, Camera Guy!"
This time, I go over and stand right in front of them and take a self portrait with all of them in the back ground. They go nuts. And I go back to shooting.
A few minutes after that, they all start yelling "The Camera guy is the MAN!!" So I turn around and bow like just finished a Broadway play. Again, they go nuts. Ahhhh... high school.
here are the dudes. (The self portrait photo is at work... forgot to send it home. My bad)
Today, I had nothing to do until the Mardi Gras parade in the evening, so I decided to see if I could double up with a bike ride and a run. So I went 11 miles on my bike (thanks to this little gadget hooked up to my wheels that tells me speed and distance) and then ran 4.5 miles right after. I aboutcollapsed after the run, but it felt great.
The east side parade rolled tonight in Houma. The Krewe of Mardi Gras. It's the only parade on the east side. It was the fist parade I've shot for work. I was a little rusty but had a good time. How can you not have a good time at a mardi gras parade right?
Each time I shoot a parade, I always think that what I'm shooting is really awesome because it's so unique. There are only a handfull of places in the world that celebrate Mardi Gras like South Louisiana. But when I get back and look at my photos, I'm never impressed for some reason.
Are they good photos because they're strong images? Or are the good photos because not many people have seen Mardi Gras parades? Or are they just not good images in the first place? I don't know.
When contest time rolls around each year, my Marid Gras stuff always gets the boot because they all start to look the same after a while. A kid screaming, a masked-guy throwing, beads flying, large crowds... etc. But if someone in Utah judged the photos, would they stand out because they probably had never seen a Mardi Gras? Who knows. Anyway, here are a few from tonight.
(yea, a float knocked down a traffic light)
That's all for tonight. Between my bike ride, my run and a Mardi Gras parade today, I'm pooped.