I've run 21.2 miles so far this month.
And in the Nike+ world, that ranks me 58,175th amongst all men who use Nike+
Ed_ornelas is first this month with 705.02 miles. That's just stupid. I bet he just doesn't stop running.
here are some other stats and where I rank in the Nike+ world.
I've run for 3:17'09" this month. That ranks me 63,865th. (first place has 442 hours.)
I've run 361.54 total miles using Nike+ and that ranks me 23,463rd. (first place has 12979.09 total miles)
They've got a bunch more break downs by age group, and location in the world and stuff like that. But I'm tired and don't feel like transcribing it all right now.
But if you ever what to know how my fastest 5k time ranks among women ages 45-49 from Australia, I can figure that out.
Actually, never mind. I just tried. It knows my age and all that stuff and only compares me to the categories I fall under. Bummer uh? I want to see how I stack up against Those ladies from down under.
Oh well.
I took some fun pictures at a car wreck today but I'm too lazy to post them right now. I'll get around to it soon. It's kind of a fun story actually.
Here's my 4.75 mile run tonight. It looks all jumpy when the chart is compressed this small, but when seen full sized, I actually kept a pretty steady pace throughout the run. Which I've been trying to do lately. At the very least, you can see my over all pace and time and the numbers. But the chart just looks like I sped up, slowed down, sped up, slowed down. Which I really didn't.