Well, tonight didn't disappoint. I thought it was just going to be another blowout and I even thought to myself "self, I bet nothing happens that's unique or memorable."
During the third quarter, the Ellender coach started talking to the referee. And what caught my eye was that they were both pointing in the same direction. I put my camera up to my eye to take a picture and I guess the coach saw me and he just gave me the death stare and started ignoring the ref.
So I took his picture and gave him a big thumbs up.
Scott is a crazy coach to begin with... good, but kind of crazy. And always makes good pictures. I'm 99% sure he was just joking around, his team was up by 30 at this point. But I've seen Scott get tossed from a game before so I know he can get upset.
I might have to email him this picture.