I think it was part of "This Week In Baseball."
Anyway, I'm going to give you guys a chance to make the call on a couple photos. Which one would you hang on your wall? Which one would enter in a contest? Which one would you wish you'd have taken.
Here's the two photos...
The Vandebilt Girls basketball team won a playoff game to advance to the "Ladies Top 28" (The sweet 16 of Louisiana High School Basketball). It's their first trip there since 1988. The team and coach cut down the net after their win last night. Here's the image from that celebration.
Across town, The Ellender Girls basketball team also won their playoff game to advance to "Top 28" (However, they are in a different class from Vandebilt). Ellenders' last trip to the "Top 28" was 2002. Also a very exciting win for the girls and worthy of a net cutting ceremony. Here's the image from that game.
Which one would you use and why? Defend your decision, give specific reasons or just pick one. I love this kind of debate because nobody is right or wrong.
SIDE NOTE: This isn't a complaint about what actually happened, but rather just a chance to hear what other people see in pictures.
In College, I had a professor (Bradley) who would put two photos on the screen and the class would spend the entire hour debating the two images. It was a GREAT way to learn about photography.
One of the best learning experiences I've had, in terms of photography, was watching the Pictures of the Year judging a while back. I was in a dark room with a huge screen. There were five judges in front of the screen. In the first round, an image would pop up and the judges would vote In or Out. If an image got a majority "in" vote, it'd go to the next round.
In the second round, the judges would talk a little about their decision to keep that image in the contest.
Then, after a few hours, they had the 1,000 or so images narrowed down to about 10. And they'd spend another hour or so just debating what image was the best.
I loved it. An image that i thought was amazing might have been shot down. Then I'd hear their reason why. Sometimes I'd agree, other times I wouldn't. But that's what makes photography so great. It's art and everybody sees things differently.
Now, when I shoot different events, sometimes I'll think..."well, maybe I should try something else with this picture because during the contest judging, they said that this type of image is a Dime a Dozen." (well, maybe it's not that cheesy sounding, but you get the idea)
I'll give you my thoughts on the two above images in a later post. I just want to hear what others think.