On Friday, my left pinkie started to swell up a little bit, and by Friday afternoon, it spread to the back of my hand. So Misty and I went to the Doctor to get it checked out. He said it was probably some sort of infected spider bite. (or infected ingrown hair.. but I'm going to sick with spider bite because it sounds cooler)
He hooked me up with some meds and sent me home.
On Saturday, the swelling spread almost to my wrist and I couldn't move my left pinkie and ring finger at all. I could only pinch using my index finger and thumb. It hurt to hang my arm by my side. So for the past four days, I've walked around with my left hand in the air like a doctor after washing his hands before surgery waiting to have the rubber gloves put on. (if that makes any sense)
So I was minus a left hand... but still managed to shoot a state soccer championship game. (See photo here)
Funny Side Story: South Louisiana had bad thunder storms all over the place Saturday night. We were in Tornado warnings and all that good stuff. So at the game, I decked out in my rain pants and coat. I wrapped my big lens and flash in trash bags. And not a single drop of rain fell. Ah well.
Sunday morning, I woke up and could see my ring finger knuckle and was able to bend my pinkie a little bit. So it's getting better.
The swelling kind of made a triangle from my middle, ring and pinkie fingers with the point of the triangle at my wrist. The blue line on my hand marks where the swelling was on Friday afternoon. It pretty much doubled before starting to go down.
Now it's Monday night and most of the redness is gone, but I still can't bend it as much as I should be able to. And it really sucks when I accidentally bump it into things.
So there you go... Back to work on my Mardi Gras Slideshow.