Monday, February 05, 2007

My Car and Votes

Couple quick points I'd like to make...

First, my Alero is now ALL MINE. I called the Credit Union today and paid off the last 7-8 months of my car loan. Next step... student loans. (Any suggestions on what my next car should be when my Alero poops out are welcome)

Second, Kansas State Basketball received some votes in both the AP and the Coaches poll this week after knocking off #22 Texas by a point on Saturday. I would think that puts us a little more on the inside of the Tournament Bubble. My hope is that KSU makes the dance... and their first round game is in New Orleans.

Quick side story... A new reporter started today at the Courier. She recently graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. Giving the Courier two UT at Austin people in the newsroom. I don't know how much you know about people from Texas (specifically the ones from UT) But they all have the same "We're bigger and better " attitude towards everybody else when it comes to college sports.

I overheard the two Austin girls talking UT athletics with the sports editor this afternoon. So I jumped in and asked "Do you by chance know how your basketball team did on Saturday?" They both said they didn't know. The Sports Editor said "Yea, I think they lost, but I'm not sure." So I gave them the news that UT lost by a point to little ole' Kansas State, knocking them out of the top 25.

I think I'll wait until next football season to remind them that KSU knocked the Horns out of the National Title race last year.

Oh, and congrats to Peyton Manning too. That's cool.