The years went by, and sure glen bowled a few games with the boys every now and then. But he never joined the league like he talked about. He never started up the weekly bowling trips with the wife and friends. Before too long, he was too old to bowl and the very thoughtful present of a bowling ball and bag, that totaled $57.18 with tax, found it's way to the deepest corner of the Jenkins' garage.
***Fast Forward to 2004***
After the very sad passing of both Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, the surviving family decided to auction off what the loving couple had left behind. A couch, some chairs, a cabinet and the almost like new brown bowling ball.
The morning of the auction, a young couple entered the room in search of a bargen. They had recently moved in together and were hoping to find something for their new home. After bidding a few times, but winning nothing, they spot "Jenkins" the bowling ball. They decided to go for it and bid to win the ball for a younger brother.
They listen to the dude rattle off some prices, they flash their auction card and before they could say something really fast like those auction dudes do... they had won "Jenkins"
Now, if you calculate for inflation between 1977 dollars and 2004 dollars and look at the average price of Bowling Balls and Bags, I'd say they got one heck of a deal. Final selling price for the ball and bag: $1
They proudly brought it home and delivered it to the eager young bowling brother who welcomed "Jenkins" with open arms and dreams of a 300.
***Fast Forward to 2006-2007***
"Jenkins" now had a life. He's being used on a regular basis. He's still never been a part of a league, but he and the boys had a Thursday night game a few summers ago. And he is currently getting rolled every Monday for a few games. He even got the owner a personal best of 203 the other night.
The only thing holding "Jenkins" back was the bag. It was a top of the line bag in 1977, but this is a new century and "Jenkins" needed something safe and reliable to be transported in. The owners girlfriend couldn't stand the sight of "Jenkins" traveling in such filth. She wasn't having it.
So last night, she took matters into her own hands. And gave "Jenkins" a new transport unit. This new unit has the look and feel of the old 70's looking bag, but the freshness and dependability of a bag made this century. In addition to the bag, she even tossed in a new (used) pair of matching leather bowling shoes.
"I couldn't believe it," The Owner said. "How could someone be this thoughtful? I guess the kind caring heart of Mrs. Glen Jenkins has been passed down through the years. Amazing, simply amazing. Thank You."
Now everybody is happy. The girlfriend can now be seen comfortably with her boyfriend while walking through the bowling ally. "Jenkins" is trilled because he now had a nice, clean place to pass the time between games. And, most important, Mrs. Glen Jenkins is finally getting to see the gift she put so much thought into getting used.
This is "Jenkins" sitting proudly between to the old bag (left) and his new unit. He's even become quite the Saints fan in the past few years, making this bag that much more meaningful to him.
(Thank you Misty!)