Couple quick things...
1: I've finished my audio slideshow from Mardi Gras. It's posted on my website. So check it out if you get the chance. (click the "Mardi Gras" link)
2: My finger is a lot better. I still can't bend it all the way. But the swelling is going down.
3: I'm going to get you guys my thoughts on those two photos pretty quick... I promise.
4: I'll be shooting the Girls State Basketball Championship game on Friday. So that should be fun.
I think that's about it for now. I'm off to eat some pizza rolls.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
This little piggy... swelled up like a baloon.
Have you ever thought about how often you use your left pinkie finger? It's quite a bit. And you really don't know how often until you can't use it at all.
On Friday, my left pinkie started to swell up a little bit, and by Friday afternoon, it spread to the back of my hand. So Misty and I went to the Doctor to get it checked out. He said it was probably some sort of infected spider bite. (or infected ingrown hair.. but I'm going to sick with spider bite because it sounds cooler)
He hooked me up with some meds and sent me home.
On Saturday, the swelling spread almost to my wrist and I couldn't move my left pinkie and ring finger at all. I could only pinch using my index finger and thumb. It hurt to hang my arm by my side. So for the past four days, I've walked around with my left hand in the air like a doctor after washing his hands before surgery waiting to have the rubber gloves put on. (if that makes any sense)
So I was minus a left hand... but still managed to shoot a state soccer championship game. (See photo here)
Funny Side Story: South Louisiana had bad thunder storms all over the place Saturday night. We were in Tornado warnings and all that good stuff. So at the game, I decked out in my rain pants and coat. I wrapped my big lens and flash in trash bags. And not a single drop of rain fell. Ah well.
Sunday morning, I woke up and could see my ring finger knuckle and was able to bend my pinkie a little bit. So it's getting better.
The swelling kind of made a triangle from my middle, ring and pinkie fingers with the point of the triangle at my wrist. The blue line on my hand marks where the swelling was on Friday afternoon. It pretty much doubled before starting to go down.
Now it's Monday night and most of the redness is gone, but I still can't bend it as much as I should be able to. And it really sucks when I accidentally bump it into things.

So there you go... Back to work on my Mardi Gras Slideshow.
On Friday, my left pinkie started to swell up a little bit, and by Friday afternoon, it spread to the back of my hand. So Misty and I went to the Doctor to get it checked out. He said it was probably some sort of infected spider bite. (or infected ingrown hair.. but I'm going to sick with spider bite because it sounds cooler)
He hooked me up with some meds and sent me home.
On Saturday, the swelling spread almost to my wrist and I couldn't move my left pinkie and ring finger at all. I could only pinch using my index finger and thumb. It hurt to hang my arm by my side. So for the past four days, I've walked around with my left hand in the air like a doctor after washing his hands before surgery waiting to have the rubber gloves put on. (if that makes any sense)
So I was minus a left hand... but still managed to shoot a state soccer championship game. (See photo here)
Funny Side Story: South Louisiana had bad thunder storms all over the place Saturday night. We were in Tornado warnings and all that good stuff. So at the game, I decked out in my rain pants and coat. I wrapped my big lens and flash in trash bags. And not a single drop of rain fell. Ah well.
Sunday morning, I woke up and could see my ring finger knuckle and was able to bend my pinkie a little bit. So it's getting better.
The swelling kind of made a triangle from my middle, ring and pinkie fingers with the point of the triangle at my wrist. The blue line on my hand marks where the swelling was on Friday afternoon. It pretty much doubled before starting to go down.
Now it's Monday night and most of the redness is gone, but I still can't bend it as much as I should be able to. And it really sucks when I accidentally bump it into things.
So there you go... Back to work on my Mardi Gras Slideshow.
Friday, February 23, 2007
You Make the Call
Anybody remember a TV or Radio show back in the day that would give a situation in a baseball game then would ask "You Make the Call."
I think it was part of "This Week In Baseball."
Anyway, I'm going to give you guys a chance to make the call on a couple photos. Which one would you hang on your wall? Which one would enter in a contest? Which one would you wish you'd have taken.
Here's the two photos...
The Vandebilt Girls basketball team won a playoff game to advance to the "Ladies Top 28" (The sweet 16 of Louisiana High School Basketball). It's their first trip there since 1988. The team and coach cut down the net after their win last night. Here's the image from that celebration.

Across town, The Ellender Girls basketball team also won their playoff game to advance to "Top 28" (However, they are in a different class from Vandebilt). Ellenders' last trip to the "Top 28" was 2002. Also a very exciting win for the girls and worthy of a net cutting ceremony. Here's the image from that game.

Which one would you use and why? Defend your decision, give specific reasons or just pick one. I love this kind of debate because nobody is right or wrong.
SIDE NOTE: This isn't a complaint about what actually happened, but rather just a chance to hear what other people see in pictures.
In College, I had a professor (Bradley) who would put two photos on the screen and the class would spend the entire hour debating the two images. It was a GREAT way to learn about photography.
One of the best learning experiences I've had, in terms of photography, was watching the Pictures of the Year judging a while back. I was in a dark room with a huge screen. There were five judges in front of the screen. In the first round, an image would pop up and the judges would vote In or Out. If an image got a majority "in" vote, it'd go to the next round.
In the second round, the judges would talk a little about their decision to keep that image in the contest.
Then, after a few hours, they had the 1,000 or so images narrowed down to about 10. And they'd spend another hour or so just debating what image was the best.
I loved it. An image that i thought was amazing might have been shot down. Then I'd hear their reason why. Sometimes I'd agree, other times I wouldn't. But that's what makes photography so great. It's art and everybody sees things differently.
Now, when I shoot different events, sometimes I'll think..."well, maybe I should try something else with this picture because during the contest judging, they said that this type of image is a Dime a Dozen." (well, maybe it's not that cheesy sounding, but you get the idea)
I'll give you my thoughts on the two above images in a later post. I just want to hear what others think.
I think it was part of "This Week In Baseball."
Anyway, I'm going to give you guys a chance to make the call on a couple photos. Which one would you hang on your wall? Which one would enter in a contest? Which one would you wish you'd have taken.
Here's the two photos...
The Vandebilt Girls basketball team won a playoff game to advance to the "Ladies Top 28" (The sweet 16 of Louisiana High School Basketball). It's their first trip there since 1988. The team and coach cut down the net after their win last night. Here's the image from that celebration.
Across town, The Ellender Girls basketball team also won their playoff game to advance to "Top 28" (However, they are in a different class from Vandebilt). Ellenders' last trip to the "Top 28" was 2002. Also a very exciting win for the girls and worthy of a net cutting ceremony. Here's the image from that game.
Which one would you use and why? Defend your decision, give specific reasons or just pick one. I love this kind of debate because nobody is right or wrong.
SIDE NOTE: This isn't a complaint about what actually happened, but rather just a chance to hear what other people see in pictures.
In College, I had a professor (Bradley) who would put two photos on the screen and the class would spend the entire hour debating the two images. It was a GREAT way to learn about photography.
One of the best learning experiences I've had, in terms of photography, was watching the Pictures of the Year judging a while back. I was in a dark room with a huge screen. There were five judges in front of the screen. In the first round, an image would pop up and the judges would vote In or Out. If an image got a majority "in" vote, it'd go to the next round.
In the second round, the judges would talk a little about their decision to keep that image in the contest.
Then, after a few hours, they had the 1,000 or so images narrowed down to about 10. And they'd spend another hour or so just debating what image was the best.
I loved it. An image that i thought was amazing might have been shot down. Then I'd hear their reason why. Sometimes I'd agree, other times I wouldn't. But that's what makes photography so great. It's art and everybody sees things differently.
Now, when I shoot different events, sometimes I'll think..."well, maybe I should try something else with this picture because during the contest judging, they said that this type of image is a Dime a Dozen." (well, maybe it's not that cheesy sounding, but you get the idea)
I'll give you my thoughts on the two above images in a later post. I just want to hear what others think.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Floats and beads and pizza rolls
Well it was a pretty darn good Mardi Gras.
Started with my entire family coming down for the weekend and ended with Misty riding in the final parade and throwing me cheese and crackers from the float. Who could ask for anything more?
I'm working on a multimedia project from Mardi Gras. I've got some good interviews and cool photos to go along with them. That should be done soon.
So here are a couple photos from Fat Tuesday. (The rest of my good ones will be in the slideshow)
A view of Downtown Houma as the Krewe of Houmas rolls through.

And a couple of "ladies" wait for the parade to start. (I just thought this was really funny.)

Oh, and the pizza rolls... that's what I had for dinner tonight so they were fresh on my mind.
Started with my entire family coming down for the weekend and ended with Misty riding in the final parade and throwing me cheese and crackers from the float. Who could ask for anything more?
I'm working on a multimedia project from Mardi Gras. I've got some good interviews and cool photos to go along with them. That should be done soon.
So here are a couple photos from Fat Tuesday. (The rest of my good ones will be in the slideshow)
A view of Downtown Houma as the Krewe of Houmas rolls through.
And a couple of "ladies" wait for the parade to start. (I just thought this was really funny.)
Oh, and the pizza rolls... that's what I had for dinner tonight so they were fresh on my mind.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Thank you Mrs. Glen Jenkins
Back in Aug. of 1977, Mrs Glen Jenkins was trying to think of something nice to get her husband for his birthday. So she took a trip to Montgomery Ward and came across a 12 pound brown bowling ball for $34.99. She took a few more steps and saw a matching leather case for $19.99. And it was her lucky day because "The Ward" was offering free engraving that afternoon. So she had her husbands last name etched permanently in the ball right above the finger holes. She wasn't positive her husband would like this very thoughtful gift so she stuck the signed credit card receipt in the small inside pocket of the bowling bag.
The years went by, and sure glen bowled a few games with the boys every now and then. But he never joined the league like he talked about. He never started up the weekly bowling trips with the wife and friends. Before too long, he was too old to bowl and the very thoughtful present of a bowling ball and bag, that totaled $57.18 with tax, found it's way to the deepest corner of the Jenkins' garage.
***Fast Forward to 2004***
After the very sad passing of both Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, the surviving family decided to auction off what the loving couple had left behind. A couch, some chairs, a cabinet and the almost like new brown bowling ball.
The morning of the auction, a young couple entered the room in search of a bargen. They had recently moved in together and were hoping to find something for their new home. After bidding a few times, but winning nothing, they spot "Jenkins" the bowling ball. They decided to go for it and bid to win the ball for a younger brother.
They listen to the dude rattle off some prices, they flash their auction card and before they could say something really fast like those auction dudes do... they had won "Jenkins"
Now, if you calculate for inflation between 1977 dollars and 2004 dollars and look at the average price of Bowling Balls and Bags, I'd say they got one heck of a deal. Final selling price for the ball and bag: $1
They proudly brought it home and delivered it to the eager young bowling brother who welcomed "Jenkins" with open arms and dreams of a 300.
***Fast Forward to 2006-2007***
"Jenkins" now had a life. He's being used on a regular basis. He's still never been a part of a league, but he and the boys had a Thursday night game a few summers ago. And he is currently getting rolled every Monday for a few games. He even got the owner a personal best of 203 the other night.
The only thing holding "Jenkins" back was the bag. It was a top of the line bag in 1977, but this is a new century and "Jenkins" needed something safe and reliable to be transported in. The owners girlfriend couldn't stand the sight of "Jenkins" traveling in such filth. She wasn't having it.
So last night, she took matters into her own hands. And gave "Jenkins" a new transport unit. This new unit has the look and feel of the old 70's looking bag, but the freshness and dependability of a bag made this century. In addition to the bag, she even tossed in a new (used) pair of matching leather bowling shoes.
"I couldn't believe it," The Owner said. "How could someone be this thoughtful? I guess the kind caring heart of Mrs. Glen Jenkins has been passed down through the years. Amazing, simply amazing. Thank You."
Now everybody is happy. The girlfriend can now be seen comfortably with her boyfriend while walking through the bowling ally. "Jenkins" is trilled because he now had a nice, clean place to pass the time between games. And, most important, Mrs. Glen Jenkins is finally getting to see the gift she put so much thought into getting used.

This is "Jenkins" sitting proudly between to the old bag (left) and his new unit. He's even become quite the Saints fan in the past few years, making this bag that much more meaningful to him.
(Thank you Misty!)
The years went by, and sure glen bowled a few games with the boys every now and then. But he never joined the league like he talked about. He never started up the weekly bowling trips with the wife and friends. Before too long, he was too old to bowl and the very thoughtful present of a bowling ball and bag, that totaled $57.18 with tax, found it's way to the deepest corner of the Jenkins' garage.
***Fast Forward to 2004***
After the very sad passing of both Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, the surviving family decided to auction off what the loving couple had left behind. A couch, some chairs, a cabinet and the almost like new brown bowling ball.
The morning of the auction, a young couple entered the room in search of a bargen. They had recently moved in together and were hoping to find something for their new home. After bidding a few times, but winning nothing, they spot "Jenkins" the bowling ball. They decided to go for it and bid to win the ball for a younger brother.
They listen to the dude rattle off some prices, they flash their auction card and before they could say something really fast like those auction dudes do... they had won "Jenkins"
Now, if you calculate for inflation between 1977 dollars and 2004 dollars and look at the average price of Bowling Balls and Bags, I'd say they got one heck of a deal. Final selling price for the ball and bag: $1
They proudly brought it home and delivered it to the eager young bowling brother who welcomed "Jenkins" with open arms and dreams of a 300.
***Fast Forward to 2006-2007***
"Jenkins" now had a life. He's being used on a regular basis. He's still never been a part of a league, but he and the boys had a Thursday night game a few summers ago. And he is currently getting rolled every Monday for a few games. He even got the owner a personal best of 203 the other night.
The only thing holding "Jenkins" back was the bag. It was a top of the line bag in 1977, but this is a new century and "Jenkins" needed something safe and reliable to be transported in. The owners girlfriend couldn't stand the sight of "Jenkins" traveling in such filth. She wasn't having it.
So last night, she took matters into her own hands. And gave "Jenkins" a new transport unit. This new unit has the look and feel of the old 70's looking bag, but the freshness and dependability of a bag made this century. In addition to the bag, she even tossed in a new (used) pair of matching leather bowling shoes.
"I couldn't believe it," The Owner said. "How could someone be this thoughtful? I guess the kind caring heart of Mrs. Glen Jenkins has been passed down through the years. Amazing, simply amazing. Thank You."
Now everybody is happy. The girlfriend can now be seen comfortably with her boyfriend while walking through the bowling ally. "Jenkins" is trilled because he now had a nice, clean place to pass the time between games. And, most important, Mrs. Glen Jenkins is finally getting to see the gift she put so much thought into getting used.
This is "Jenkins" sitting proudly between to the old bag (left) and his new unit. He's even become quite the Saints fan in the past few years, making this bag that much more meaningful to him.
(Thank you Misty!)
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The Ride and The Fam
Holy Cow what a weekend.
My entire family came down here to enjoy a weekend full of parades. I rode in the Hercules parade on Friday. I tried to get them as many cool beads as I could, but it's pretty tough to throw 9 people different things when rolling by at whatever speed we were rolling by at.
But I think everybody got something and everybody enjoyed the weekend.
Misty took everybody down the bayou Firday afternoon while I was riding around on the bus. (THANKS!)
On Sunday, we all went to Avery Island to visit the Tabasco factory and wildlife gardens. Pretty cool I guess. But I wouldn't suggest making a trip down here just for that. But if you're in the area, go for it.
It was great having the entire family together. That hasn't happened much since I've moved down here.
I actually didn't take very many photos this weekend. But here's a photo Ben took of me rolling by during the parade. I'm the geeky looking fool in the middle wearing the Cowboy hat and ski goggles.
Misty has some more photos from the weekend before the parade up on her blog. There was a party and ball type thing to kind of get the Parade season kicked off. So check those out too.
My entire family came down here to enjoy a weekend full of parades. I rode in the Hercules parade on Friday. I tried to get them as many cool beads as I could, but it's pretty tough to throw 9 people different things when rolling by at whatever speed we were rolling by at.
But I think everybody got something and everybody enjoyed the weekend.
Misty took everybody down the bayou Firday afternoon while I was riding around on the bus. (THANKS!)
On Sunday, we all went to Avery Island to visit the Tabasco factory and wildlife gardens. Pretty cool I guess. But I wouldn't suggest making a trip down here just for that. But if you're in the area, go for it.
It was great having the entire family together. That hasn't happened much since I've moved down here.
I actually didn't take very many photos this weekend. But here's a photo Ben took of me rolling by during the parade. I'm the geeky looking fool in the middle wearing the Cowboy hat and ski goggles.
Misty has some more photos from the weekend before the parade up on her blog. There was a party and ball type thing to kind of get the Parade season kicked off. So check those out too.
Monday, February 05, 2007
My Car and Votes
Couple quick points I'd like to make...
First, my Alero is now ALL MINE. I called the Credit Union today and paid off the last 7-8 months of my car loan. Next step... student loans. (Any suggestions on what my next car should be when my Alero poops out are welcome)
Second, Kansas State Basketball received some votes in both the AP and the Coaches poll this week after knocking off #22 Texas by a point on Saturday. I would think that puts us a little more on the inside of the Tournament Bubble. My hope is that KSU makes the dance... and their first round game is in New Orleans.
Quick side story... A new reporter started today at the Courier. She recently graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. Giving the Courier two UT at Austin people in the newsroom. I don't know how much you know about people from Texas (specifically the ones from UT) But they all have the same "We're bigger and better " attitude towards everybody else when it comes to college sports.
I overheard the two Austin girls talking UT athletics with the sports editor this afternoon. So I jumped in and asked "Do you by chance know how your basketball team did on Saturday?" They both said they didn't know. The Sports Editor said "Yea, I think they lost, but I'm not sure." So I gave them the news that UT lost by a point to little ole' Kansas State, knocking them out of the top 25.
I think I'll wait until next football season to remind them that KSU knocked the Horns out of the National Title race last year.
Oh, and congrats to Peyton Manning too. That's cool.
First, my Alero is now ALL MINE. I called the Credit Union today and paid off the last 7-8 months of my car loan. Next step... student loans. (Any suggestions on what my next car should be when my Alero poops out are welcome)
Second, Kansas State Basketball received some votes in both the AP and the Coaches poll this week after knocking off #22 Texas by a point on Saturday. I would think that puts us a little more on the inside of the Tournament Bubble. My hope is that KSU makes the dance... and their first round game is in New Orleans.
Quick side story... A new reporter started today at the Courier. She recently graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. Giving the Courier two UT at Austin people in the newsroom. I don't know how much you know about people from Texas (specifically the ones from UT) But they all have the same "We're bigger and better " attitude towards everybody else when it comes to college sports.
I overheard the two Austin girls talking UT athletics with the sports editor this afternoon. So I jumped in and asked "Do you by chance know how your basketball team did on Saturday?" They both said they didn't know. The Sports Editor said "Yea, I think they lost, but I'm not sure." So I gave them the news that UT lost by a point to little ole' Kansas State, knocking them out of the top 25.
I think I'll wait until next football season to remind them that KSU knocked the Horns out of the National Title race last year.
Oh, and congrats to Peyton Manning too. That's cool.
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