Monday, October 23, 2006

There's no CHANGE... she just keeps winning.

I first noticed her nack for winning when we were in a casino in New Orleans. We both sat down to play some slots. We both had twenty bucks. In five minutes time, I had zero, and she had 40.

Her team, the "nineteen 79 ers" are tied for first in the Central Division of "You wanna see my what." Fantasy Football league.

We have a friend who sends out an email each week with a college football game to pick the winner and score. Then he has a formula to rank each person playing. (40 total) She's only got one game wrong so far this year and is in second place. That's amazing.

She bowled over a 200 the other week in her bowling league. And in my book, that's a winner.

And to top it off, she won my "guess the change" contest.

Somebody buy her a lottery ticket now.

With a guess of $158.42, Misty is the winner.

I took the jar into the bank where they have one of those machines that counts it as you dump it. After it was done sorting out the change, it printed out a receipt with the break down of the amount of each coin. Then, at the bottom it said "10 percent convenience fee" I wasn't too happy about that, because it knocked about 20 bucks off the total.

But the nice lady at the bank gave me the full amount.

Here's the break down.

$20.00 - 1
$1.00 (bill)- 2
$1.00 (coin)- 4
$0.25 - 480
$0.10 - 249
$0.05 - 178
$0.01 - 460

Total: $184.40.

I was a little amazed myself at how much I had in there. It actually works out rather well because Misty's birthday is next week. (oct. 30) And, we're both going back to Kansas in November for a long weekend. So if you're wondering what the money will go towards... there you go.

I know it looks a little skewed that my girlfriend won the contest. But rest assured that she has tested negative for all meaningless contest performance enhancing drugs. Unless those Halloween candy corn pumpkin things have some sort of guessing boosting element inside that boost ones power to correctly guess at meaningless contests.

Now here's a breakdown of everybody's guess. (In no particular order)

Jana: $46.27 (I think the Broncos recent success over KC played a part in her picking so poorly)

Kelly: $62.37 (who has been with me all the other times I've taken my change jar to the bank)

Dad: $76.58 (who probably had some sort of math formula to come up with that amount)

Shep: $47.23 (I think getting married and getting a new dog influenced his pick)

Erica: $67.43 (was probably predicting the score of the KSU vs Mizzou game with this pick)

Joel: $73.50 (again... probably had something to do with Mizzou being better than KSU)

Chirs: $3,332 (Just his old address in Manhattan from back in the day)

Nicole: $88.99 (Cole always has a cute reason for everything)

Mom: $67.67 (Probably asked Dad to come up with another formula for her pick)

Seth: $52.23 (street address? Old locker combo? I'm sure there's something behind this number)

So congrats to Misty for winning something else. Now give the rest of us a chance.