High School:
H.L. Bourgeios vs South Terrebonne. Phillip Livas (3) ran for 308 yards. Holy cow! What sucks is he did most of his damage in the second half, I had to leave at halftime to go shoot another game. And during that second game the announcer got on the mic and said "It happened tonight, but read all about it in tomorrows Houma Courier. The Vandebilt Terriers welcome courier sports writer Chris Singelton to the game." HELLO!!!! Nevermind the guy sweating buckets and swatting mosquitoes on the sideline while the writer sits in the AC'd press box with free drinks and foot rubs. (Ok, maybe not the foot rubs.)
Nicholls State versus Southeastern Louisiana. NSU homecoming game. I've got some good audio and some better photos that hopefully I can put together in a slide show by the end of the week. NSU won. I had to transmit back to the office after halftime. Except NSU's wireless system doesn't quite cover all of campus. (stupid if you ask me) So I had to leave, drive to the center of campus, transmit from my car, and drive back. I got back with three minutes to go in the game. (Photos are of the newly crowned queen getting a hug from her best friend and a SLU dude scoring a TD.... or was it? Look at that knee)
New Orleans versus Tampa Bay. Saints won and Reggie Bush scored is first NFL touchdown. He returned a punt 65-yards for the winning score. I saw him catch the ball and run to the opposite side of the field from me. "Not that big of a deal, good shots can still be made cross-field." I thought. I fire one frame, re-compose, fire another frame, re-focus, try to fire another frame but it won't take a picture. I look at my camera and it says "CARD FULL" The crowd is going nuts, and Reggie holds up his hand as he crosses the goal line. And I'm just standing there watching it all. So all I got was some celebration on the sideline. Live and learn... to change out my cards even if there are a few frames left.