I know I know... I said I'd leave the guessing open for about a week.
I know I know... You all have been dyeing to know.
But, I think you'll agree that I've had some important things to take care of since then. And those things have kept me from the bank during business hours to get my change counted.
For example...
Those stupid JBJ dorks decided to invade my blog. I had to deal with that. (Still haven't seen any of their guesses ether)
The One Year of Hurricane Rita project.
The Saints' return to the dome project.
The playing with the puppies.
The surprise hospital visit I had to give blood this morning when I had planned to cash in the change.
But I think I've got all the guesses I'm going to get.
2 parents
2 KSU photographers I worked with in school
1 good friend from high school
1 former MHS wrestling manager and Blue M staff member.
1 friend that I was the best man for in his wedding.
1 girlfriend
1 co-worker
1 elementary school friend
1 LSU fan.
I guess I know who my real friends are hu? (if I've missed anyone, just let me know)
The guesses ranged from $46.27 to $3,332.
If all goes well, I'll take my overflowing jar to the bank Friday morning. And hopefully I'll post the results sometime this weekend.
I don't have any ideas what the winner gets. Probably just a mention on this blog of some sort. I'm cheap like that. But if you have any ideas, shout em out.
Anyway, it's been a long day, and I kind of felt like this guy after work today. (see photo) I shot a high school homecoming football game tonight. I saw the best high school band ever at the game. McDonough 35 High School has an amazing band. They never stopped playing. There was always a drummer doing something, or a horn doing something... really fun to listen to.
Oh, Ms. Dana Solet won Homecoming Queen in case you were wondering. For whatever reason, they didn't have a King. I guess she'll rein by herself.