"Sure, no problem Mr. McNabb."
Another awesome game in the Dome on Sunday. Here are a few shots from the day.
Reggie Bush and Joe Horn celebrate after a Horn touchdown in the first half. During this play, I was standing next to Bill Frakes (an amazing sports illustrated photographer). I looked on the back of my camera after the play was over and really didn't like what I had. And the first thing I thought was "Man, I bet Bill got something amazing."
After the game, I call my brother Ben to talk about Sunday's games. I told him if he gets a chance to look on some websites to see if my photos were used anywhere. I really didn't think any would be used. (I was shooting for a wire service called USPRESSWIRE). Boy was I wrong. Ben sent me a text that said "usatoday.com and si.com." Sports Illustrated had two of their top shooters at this game and my photo is on the front of SI.com. oops. :)
The Saints won on a last second field goal by John Carney.
(The celebration after the kick wasn't all that great... or that's what I told myself when I edited my photos after the game. So that's why you're seeing a boring photo of a guy kicking a ball. But I promise, it's the game wining kick.)
Misty came and shot the game as well. I gave her the assignment of shooting the little boy who got to go out on the field during the coin toss. (He's from Thibodaux and we're doing a story on him) So Misty was on mid-field before the start of the game photographing the kid. At one point, Misty and the boy filled the Jumbotron.