Sunday, August 27, 2006

New car, caviar, four star daydream

Think I'll buy me a football team

I love this time of year.

If I were back in Kansas I'd say that the leaves are about to change color, the air is a little more crisp, the daily high temperature has gone down and football season has arrived.

Seth mentioned in a recent post that he noticed different changes around the LSU campus that signify the start of football season.

In Manhattan, the poster schedules are hung in every business window, the purple flags line Moro Street, everybody you talk to asks "How do you think we're going to do this year?" There's a buzz in town that I don't feel down here in Houma... Unless.... I'm at a football game.

This last Friday was the annual Football Jamboree (A soap scrimmage for you MHS folks). Each of the parish teams faced off for a short game that meant nothing in terms of district standings, but meant everything in terms of getting the season kicked off on the right foot. (yes, the pun was intended)

And I felt that buzz again. I could care less who won the game, but seeing the teams get pumped up to break through those cheerleader paper sign things got my blood pumping. I think I was more excited than half the players.

Early in the first game, the H.L. Bourgeois running back got around the corner and started to head up field... towards me. My rule of thumb while shooting this type of play in football is that if the players fill the frame of my camera, I should get out of the way before getting knocked down. (and embarrassed)

The RB came right at me, I didn't budge. I almost wanted to take the hit. I kept firing off frames until the play was over. After the RB was pushed out of bounds, I look around and see linemen, linebackers, safeties, and the running back on the ground scattered around my feet. I then see the TV camera guy who had been right next to me back on the track next to the cheerleaders.

Man I love this time of year.