I don't know exactly what is wrong with him, except that he's REALLY old.
John got Trig sometime in the early 90's. I don't know exactly when, but I know he was around with my other dog, Barney, for a few years... and Barney Died in 1995. Trig is a pound dog, we don't really know what kind of dog he is, or how old he is. I think he has some Dingo in him. But his signature "WWWOOOOFF" has been waking Stamies up too early for many years. (I know, I said Stamies, I think it's funny)
So this shot is from a few years back. Trig, John, Barrett and I built a fire after spending the afternoon fishing. I haven't seen any photos of the current Trig, and this is all I could find right now.
Everybody... Trig
Trig... Everybody
(Oh, and I know the subject doesn't have much to do with trigonometry, but it's one of the only math terms that I can bust out at any time)