I felt like I had just proved a teacher wrong in grade school.
Anyway, I was walking to the billing dept. to set up a payment plan and I heard a song coming from a room....
"Hold me closer Tony Daaaaannzzzzaaaaa"
Then, I went into an office to set up my payment plan and watched a lady in training fiddle with the computer for 5 minutes trying to set me up. She couldn't so I had to move one office over so another lady (with a little bit of a mustache) could schedule my monthly payments to the hospital.
After that ordeal, I was leaving the hospital and heard another song...
"Big old jet had a light on. Don't carry me to far away."
I invite anybody to name those two songs, and list any more song lyrics that might get a little confused.
As for the photo attached... I spent the morning with a nice lady named Tranqualina who worked for the Terrebonne Council of Aging delivering meals to the old folks. She said this one man always comes to the van to pick up his meals. Nice guy.