Maybe I just remember a lot of stuff. At least I've been told "I can't believe you remember that" more than one time. I remember where I sat in the Lunch Room on my first full day of school, it was on a blue seat next to my best friend Scott V. (I have no clue how to spell his last name). I remember getting fussed at by my swimming instructor one summer during swimming lessons because I kept asking "can we just swim around like normal?" (the answer was NO of course) I remember falling down on the sidewalk at the end of Frontier Lane while walking to school with my brother Ben. He picked me up, took me home and hooked me up with a Band-Aid.
Of course I remember big life events like shooting my first college bowl game, or winning my first wrestling match in high school.
But I sure as heck remember my first time riding a bike with out training wheels. My brother John had a hold of me and my bike at the top of my street. He let me go and I remember peddling, but not knowing how to turn. So I crashed into the gutter at the other end of my street. (We lived on a culdesac). I don't remember being hurt, but I remember being thrilled that I had finally done something that my older brothers could do.
Anyway, those memories popped back to me today while watching Misty help Taylor ride a bike without training wheels. A little push to get her going, then running along side to make sure she didn't drift into the street, or into a car. (should be noted that Taylor did crash into my car once, she wasn't hurt... and Taylor was just fine too.)
So here are some shots of Misty and Taylor this afternoon.