In no particular order...
Miles I ran tonight.
Minutes and seconds it took me to run the 3.06 miles tonight. Little embarrassed about that, but that time will come down soon enough.
My average mile time during tonight's run. Even more embarrassed about this time. But like I said, that time will come down.
(The above numbers were figured out via my iPod. I hooked myself up with the Nike+ running thing... and tonight was my first night to try it out)
The most miles I've run on one night. Did that last week after taking a wrong turn in some neighborhood near my house.
Challenges I've joined on I'm competing against other runners all over the world. Challenges include: Fastest 5k run for beginners, Most miles run in a month for beginners, Big XII team challenge-Team with most miles at end of season wins (Kansas State is currently in 8th place), NFL team challenge - Same as Big XII challenge except I'm a member of the Saints team, United States Challenge - I'm on the 47th place Louisiana team.
Miles I've got to run in 4 weeks to reach the goal I set.
Drivers who have stopped me to tell me something during one of my runs. The first came a couple weeks ago when I was running a timed half-mile by playing a song that was exactly 4:30 long. I try to finish the half-mile before the song ends. (Welcome to the Jungle by Guns in Roses, Limelight by Rush and Walking by Widespread Panic are all 4:30 long)
A lady pulled up beside me and said something. All I heard was "blah blah blah blah terriers" My first thought was she was a Vandebilt fan since their mascot is the Terriers. So i took my head phones out and said "WHAT?!" And she replied "blah blah blah blah Terriers" I still didn't understand what she said, so I again asked "WHAT?!" And she replied "Oh, I guess not because if you had, they'd be nipping at your heels right now." And she drove off.
I missed finishing the half-mile run by about 5 seconds because of her.
The second random driver encounter came last Friday when i was running around 4:00 p.m. That was the only time I'd be able to run that day because I was shooting a football game, then Misty and I were driving to Auburn that night.
So about a half mile in, this guy waves out his window for me to come over. As I get closer he yells "Early in the Morning or late and night!" And I thought he was going to fuss me for not running on the sidewalk and that if was going to run on the road it should be early morning or late night. Before I could say anything he said "You're metabolism is higher Early in the Morning or Late at night, those are the best times to run. It's too god damn hot right now to be running anyway." I told him "I have to work tonight." And as he's driving off he yells out his window "I admire... the Determination!"
Dogs not on a leash who have chased me while running. I ran towards a car to hop on the roof but finally just turned around, clapped really loud and yelled "HEY!" they both stopped and went back to their house. I won't be running down that street again. One of the dogs I probably could have just stepped on, but the other one was pretty big.
The amount of laundry I have since starting to run.
Times Kansas State should have beaten Auburn this season.
Photographers who will be working at the Courier by the end of the week. Me, the new staff photog Emily and an intern, Cole who starts on Thursday.
Photographers who worked at the Courier 2 weeks ago. Me.
Jimmy C games I'll pick correctly if I continue on my current path. (My buddy Jeremy has a "pick-em" contest where we pick a college football game each week. I'm 0-2 so far this year)
Games the Saints and Chiefs will lose this year if they play like they did in week 1.
Fantasy Football Points Eli Manning got for Ben's Bench this week. Had he put Eli in his lineup, he would have beat me. Bummer man.
Really cool dogs I played with while I was waiting to take a picture of a guy named Ace this afternoon. Ace, a race car driver, went inside to get some trophies so I could take his portrait next to his race car, so I played with these three dogs for about 5 minutes. The one with his mouth open was jealous that I was playing with the other two. So he came over and started making a howling/whining nose. So he's not barking here, just making a "play with me" noise instead.
That's all for now...