iTunes sells these workouts for that Nike+ shoe thing I have. When you buy a workout, you get all the songs plus a coach type person telling you what to do and when to do it. They have all sorts of workouts. Yoga, treadmill, speed increase... etc. I got the Serena Williams Interval workout.
This work out is supposed to increase your overall speed and increase your endurance. You start off with a five minute warm up jog. Serena tells you at the start what's going to happen in the next 30 minutes. After five minutues she tells you go get moving and pick up the pace for 4 minutes. After 4 minutes you jog "not as slow as your warm up, but a steady pace." And you repeat that three times.
It's awesome because Serena chimes in about every two minutes to tell you something like "I want you to be turning heads with your speed right now." or "If I saw you running right now, would I be impressed?" or "Don't embarass yourself and slow down to much. You want to look good when you run. Remember, you're working out your mind as well as your body."
It works on my Fast-Twitch muscles to increase my speed. Quick lesson: You have two different types of muscles in you... Fast and Slow twitch. Fast twich are musles used in short bursts like a sprinter or baseball player. Whereas slow twitch are the long-term type muslses. Marathon runners for example. And depending on what you want or need, determans how you work each type of musle. A marathon runner needs to last longer than a sprinter. So they'll work out the Slow-twitch more than the Fast. (Thanks Mrs. Morgan and the Principals of Coaching class I took in college!)
So this work out helps build up those fast twich muscles that will bring my mile time down.
Here's the chart that shows what tonights workout looked like.
You can see how I started slow, got faster, slowed down, got faster... etc.
You've probably already noticed that I added that chart thing on the right column over there. That will show my last five work-outs and it will update everytime I update my runs. So check it out if you're interested in seeing how I'm doing.
And I'll leave you with a photo of a dog I met tonight. Coco is her name and she was the unoffical mascot of the YMCA Chiefs. A 7-11 year old flag football team I hung out with this evening.
(PS. The spell check didn't want to work tonight so just ignore all my mistakes.)