Here's the rundown.
Friday Night: Left Houma around midnight and headed towards Auburn Alabama for the KSU vs AU game. Made it it Mobile around 3:00 a.m. Crashed in cheap hotel.
Saturday Morning: Drove the rest of the way into Auburn.
Saturday Afternoon: Found a free parking spot about a mile from the stadium. Perfect! hiked through what seemed like every greek house on campus. We talked with some Auburn fans and learned what War Eagle! means. Something about a Civil War soldier rescuing an Eagle during some battle. A nice group of Auburn fans hooked us up with a couple chicken sandwiches and some brownies.
Here's a shot of me doing the Wabash outside the stadium while listening to the song on my phone.
Side Note: The Auburn fans were great. I must have heard "Welcome to Auburn" about a hundred times. And the AU fans that I talked to said the same about KSU fans.
Saturday Evening: I ran into a High School buddy of mine before the game. We were standing by the concession stand and Misty said "Ha... look at that jersey. It says Fat Damon" And with out looking I knew exactly who she was talking about. Damon Parker. It was cool to see him, and it turned out that we were sitting a few seats away from each other.
The game was awesome... Except for the last 3 minutes. But I'm not too disappointed, if we can hang with Auburn on the road, we can hang with anybody. I'm still sore from clapping, yelling, jumping and all that stuff fans get to do at games. (I'm usually on the sidelines shooting, so it was fun to get crazy)
Us at the game.... We were 53 rows up in the corner with a bunch of other KSU fans.
Saturday Night: Left the game and drove an hour to Montgomery. We checked with every hotel they had... No Vacancy anywhere. One guy suggested we drive about 15 more minutes off our path and check there. Jackpot. We got a nice room, for pretty cheap, and were only about 10 miles out of our way.
Sunday Morning: Slept in a little past checkout time. Oops.
Sunday Afternoon: Ate at a Hardees' I had two hot ham and cheese sandwiches. I love those things and I can't get them anywhere around here.
Me and one of my Hot Ham and Cheese sandwiches.
Next to the Hardees' was a Bass Pro Shop. A huge outdoors store. We spent three hours in there. We got electric bug zappers. They look like small tennis rackets, but when you push a button, the "net" becomes charged and you can zap bugs. Really cool.
The fishing gear at the Bass Pro Shop.
After the Bass Pro Shop, we hit up a Target for a bathroom and some snacks. Misty craved some Cereal so she got a little thing of milk, a spoon and fork set (for a spoon) and a little tub of Pops and sat outside Target to eat. We didn't want to risk eating milk and cereal in a moving car. She also found a singing tooth brush for Taylor. The brush plays a song for the length of time you're supposed to brush. I wanted her to get Queen "We Will Rock You." But she got Hannah Montana instead.
Sunday Night: We drove about three hours from Montgomery to Biloxi Miss. and found a room across from the beach. Then we hit up a couple casinos. I think I only lost about 5 bucks. I was down about 60 then I hit a nice jackpot on the penny slots and won 55 bucks. I called it quits right after that. We left the casino and hung out on the beach for a little bit. Didn't swim, just chilled in the sand for a while.
Here's a shot of a nice spin by Misty... $48.50 spin to be exact. Those coyotes are all "Wild" so that's an amazing spin right there.
And here's a shot of me in front of the Hard Rock casino. The blue light was pretty cool... I look like I'm about to kill someone. This place easily had the best music of any casino I've been too.
Side Note: Biloxi is a mess. The casinos and a few hotels are up and running, but everything else is still pretty much destroyed. I put it like this... If you had no idea that Katrina happened and you drove to Biloxi you'd say "what just happened here?" I've never been there so it was hard for me to compare, but from what Misty told me and what I could see, the main strip along the beach used to be a hopping place. Shops, restaurants, hotels... etc. And now there's nothing. A hotel or two, maybe one souvenir shop and the only place to eat I saw was a Waffle House.
Monday Afternoon: (No Monday Morning because we slept through it all) We got something to eat and hit the road. About 15 minutes later we see one of those Factory Outlet mall things. We checked out the Nike Store.
Monday Evening: We get back into Houma around 9:00. Misty went to give Taylor the Musical Toothbrush, I went home to unpack. But, as we found out through texts, the first thing we both did after getting home was play with our bug zappers.