Misty, Taylor and I were on our way to go check out some of the Christmas lights in the fancy neighborhoods, we piled into Misty's car, only to find out Misty had a flat tire. So we took my car instead. No biggie. Taylor decided she didn't want to go see Christmas lights and would rather go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We drop her off and head out to get something to eat.
2: (probably the dumbest thing I've ever done)
As we left Misty's parents house, I grabbed a white plastic tie wrap thing to piddle around with. And for whatever reason, I put it around my middle finger and zipped it as tight as it could go.... completely forgetting that I couldn't un-zip it.
So, in the parking lot of Taco Bell, I used the wire cutters on a pair of pliers I had in my back seat to snip the plastic wrap thing.
After eating, we went back to my house to fix the flat tire on Misty's car. I parked behind her to give some light. After putting on the spare tire, I got in my car to go park in the driveway... except i had killed my battery. Lesson: if using your headlights to light something, leave your engine running.
Now I had a dead car, Misty gave me a quick jump and I parked in my driveway as Misty drove home.
I thought the worst was behind me...
... Until I went inside, visited the restroom, and found out that we had no water pressure in the house. I grabbed a Kool-Aid pitcher type thing and did a bucket brigade from the sink to fill the thing. It finally flushed. It's all good now.
(No pictures of that.)
All those events happened after the annual Houma Christmas Parade through downtown. No problems from the parade. It's a Mardi Gras warm up it you will. Lots of floats, but instead of beads and toys, it's mostly candy that gets thrown. Misty and Taylor caught a duffel bag full of candy. I didn't contribute much because I ate most everything I caught.
Before the parade, we took a walk through Courthouse Square to look at the lights.
I think maybe the fun surrounding the parade made all those other events seem comical. A great start to my weekend of for sure.