Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Lift the yellow tape, it's Domino's

Quite an afternoon today. A 24 year old dude decided to break into a house. Someone saw him, called the cops, the cops came and he decided to shot at them with a hand gun.

I stood about a block away from the house he was in. In the three hours I was there, I heard at least 4 gun shots. It was pretty crazy.

He gave him self up after a while and nobody was hurt. So that's good.

About half way though the standoff, a nice little lady drove up to the yellow tape (where I was standing) to deliver some pizza. Yes, SWAT team guys get hungry during a three hour standoff. I saw guys tossing bottles of water to each other (so they didn't have to walk in the "line of fire") but I don't know exactly how they got the pizza to each other. But seeing officers in full SWAT gear picking up pizza was pretty funny.

The reporter asked her if she had ever delivered to a SWAT team during standoff before. She hadn't.

I've photographed a few standoff's like this before, but this was the first one where I actually heard gun shots. I was far enough away and behind enough cars and trees and things that I felt pretty safe. But a bullet is a bullet.

I think journalism is the only profession where someone can be a block away from a crazy dude shooting at police one minute, and a high school basketball game the next. Who knows what I'll do tomorrow.