I guess lets start with a shameless plug. If you get a chance, go check out MSNBC year in pictures. And after watching the slide show, feel free to vote for your favorite lady bug photo of the year.
Last Friday, my brother John and his friend Audry passed through Houma on his way back to Kansas from Tampa. He got another fire truck and flew to Tampa to buy it and was driving it back home. It was a short visit but we had enough time to eat some crawfish for lunch. As I told John, it was a great little tease of family, but it's cool because all the Stamies plan to be down here for Mardi Gras.
The other photog at my newspaper is on vacation until Dec. 27. The second she gets back, I'm taking off for Houston to photograph KSU in the Texas Bowl. I'm meeting my boy Kelly and some of the other KSU student photographers.
Have a Merry Christmas and some happy holidays in case I don't get around to posting again before the 25th.