As I'm leaving my house to go to work, I see some water out in the street. I think it's a little odd because it's clear and hasn't rained in days. So I figured it was someone watering their lawn. Not quite.
I see my neighbor outside and ask her if she knew what was up. She had already called the city and had no clue what had happened. Everybody still had running water so we didn't know what was going on.
Another funny thing, on my way to my first assignment (see below) I drove by this flood to see if anybody was out there working. Nobody was around but someone had spray painted a blue box around the area where the water was coming out. So they found the problem just hadn't done anything yet. Maybe not that funny, but it made me laugh a little.
So, we get a call from a local pilot that some guy came to his hanger to see the old NAVY plane he flew back in the day. He got bored a few weeks ago and started looking through his old flight log books from when he flew. He google searched the planes number thing and tracked down the exact plane he used to qualify for something that's a big deal for navy pilots.
So of course I played in and around the plane. They let me walk out on the wing, sit in the cockpit and everything. It was great. So just imagine that I'm not in a hanger and the canopy thing is closed and you'll see what I would have looked like if I were a fighter jet pilot in the mid 50's.
Have a great Thanksgiving.