Friday, November 03, 2006


"All I need is O-74 to get a bingo." I said

"She just called it, you have a BINGO. " The lady across from me yelled.

"What do I do now?" I said.

It took me a couple tries, but I finally yelled BINGO loud enough for someone to hear.

Yep, Misty and I went and played some Bingo tonight. In fact, it was Super Bingo with about 1,000 players. I have never played Bingo for money before. All the proceeds went to the Krewe of Aphrodite (A women's Mardi Gras club)

And here I am, as green as a can be, winning the first game of the night while surrounded by Bingo "pros" if you will.

The only down side of the win is that 18 other people also won that game so we had to divide up the pot... but I got enough for me to come out on top a few bucks for the night.

So here's a shot of my winning card (folded up to just the winning board) and you better believe that misty and I had our "Lucky Dab's" to mark our cards with.

The next photo is me holding the little sign they gave me while they took my card up front to get my cash. The lady in the background is the one who told me I had a Bingo.

I think we'll hit up some more Bingo halls soon.