Best Buy had people wrapped around the store, the first person in line arrived at 9 o'clock... Thanksgiving morning. "Sorry mom, can't spend Thanksgiving with the family this year, Best Buy has cheap blank DVD's"
Others arrived a little later than that dude, say maybe, 2:30 a.m. with an infant and two toddlers. What in the world do you need that badly? Is an $80 digital camera worth keeping three young children entertained in a parking lot in 32 degree weather?
Target had customers smashed against the door minutes before the opening. Once the doors opened, the mob ran towards the Electronics and/or the Toy departments. I saw one lady T-Bone another lady with her shopping cart. "Get out of my way!" she yelled. Is an electronic picture frame really worth that mess?
I think I'll just wait a few weeks, walk into the store on my own time, and buy what I need after the shelves have been re-stocked. I might not get the big deal, but at least I didn't spend my Thanksgiving in a parking lot.
If I were to do something like this, I'd do it the way Misty did. She, her two brothers and some other friends all went to Wal-Mart late last night stocked with Slim-Jims, Squeeze Cheese, Ritz Crackers, Red Bull and Coke. They stayed up all night in the Layaway Dept. just hanging out and enjoying each others company. They were inside and had a great time... and walked away with there big screen, High-Def TV's.
So here's a sample of what I saw this morning. I arrived at Best Buy around 4:30 a.m. and then hit up Target.
While standing in line outside Best Buy, the people lit small fires using baking pans and newspaper inserts. The Eagle Scout in me just went nuts. Never use paper when starting a fire, paper holds moisture and won't burn well. Small twigs or tree bark then work your way up to larger pieces of wood.
Anybody ever seen the "stampede" before the Country Stampede at Tuttle Creek? People rushing in to find their spots for that day's concerts. That's what happened at Target. Here the first two girls rush past me to find whatever it was they were looking for. I'm guessing an iPod or some sort of trendy electronic gadget.
Here's the intersection between the DVD's and the Electronics at Target. Complete mad house. I was standing at the end of the isle with the 27-inch flat screen TV's.... Bad place to stand as you can see the lady who pushed me out of the way in the bottom right of the frame.
So now I have to decide if I should go home and take a nap before my 1:00 assignment or just push through and crash later until sometime next week.
Enjoy your Black Friday and the rest of your Thanksgiving weekend.
(Oh, to see more photos... I put up a little gallery)