The Terrebonne Waterlife museum had wall space open on a first come first serve basis. So I got there early on Friday and grabbed a small plot of wall near the entrance.
I put up 24 random images that had been hanging in my room. No theme, no story, not for any publication, just the stuff that keeps me happy.
So tonight, I had to cover Art After Dark for The Courier. And of course, I went right to my wall to see if anybody was looking. There was a steady flow of people from 6:30-9:00. I tried to listen in to what the people were saying, but I didn't hear much. I did hear a lady say she really liked "that one" and pointed to the one of Kelly and Nabil (my college roommates). I just thought that was funny.
But it was sure kind of fun to watch people stop and look at my work. I did stop a couple of guys and ask what they thought of the photos. (not telling them the photos were mine)
"Manhattan Kansas, man, that threw me for a loop. I saw Manhattan and thought... well... man, I can't believe it's Manhattan Kansas."
Here are some links to a few of the photos that were up for display.
This one was up there.
This one too.
Oh, and these guys too.
One of my favorits.
10 points if you know what this guy is doing.
Looks like 1800, actually 2004.
So there you go....
Don't forget to make a guess on the change if you haven't already.