I've posted a photo below, and in the photo is my Old Spice to use as a size reference.
Some history on the change jar. When I was in grade school, I teamed up with an older friend around Christmas time and went to Christmas parties in Manhattan. I dressed as a chubby elf that could juggle, and my buddy dressed as Santa. St. Nick would do his duties and I'd do a little juggling. One house we went to gave us each a tin jar filled with candy. After eating all the candy, I started to use it for change.
From 6th grade through college, I would collect my change in the jar and cash it in around Christmas and use the money to buy my gifts. (With the exception of one year when I put only quarters in there, it took two years to fill the jar then)
As you can see, the jar has also collected random stickers and magnets during the years. The most recent is a FDNY bottle opener magnet stuck on the lid.
It's been in every room I've lived in since grade school. 8 different houses and 11 moves (I moved in and out of home a few times)
My brother, Ben, counted the total amount by hand one year while he worked at a Credit Union. (even though I had planned to take it to the bank that day where they use a machine) The same brother has stolen many quarters from the jar and I'm almost positive has not replaced them. (It's cool dude, adds to the challenge of guessing..."how many quarters did Ben take out this year?")
A few clues to help you make your guess.
- I put all values of American coins in there this year.
- I haven't dumped it since moving down here in August 2004.
- I've been known to put $1, $5, $10, and $20 bills in there. But I honestly don't remember if I have any in there this year.
- I was going to give you the high and low range, but decided against it.
I haven't decided what the prize will be. Maybe Pride... Maybe an autographed photo.... Maybe Spam... Who knows.
I'll be sure to post the results. Voting will be open for around a week. So take some time to think it over.
Good luck all who enter.