Misty and I had an AWESOME weekend. I'll give the key highlights in top-10 style... actually just in chronological order. (It's fourth down during the above photo)
1:Tailgating in Baton Rouge with Seth before the LSU game.
2:The LSU game against ULL. (yep, I wore a KSU stocking hat to the game)
3:The awesome hotel we had in New Orleans for Saturday night after the game. And it was cheap via Travelocity. Bath robes, valet parking, feather pillows and this stuff you spray on your sheets to help you sleep.
4:Cafe' Du Monde for breakfast
5:$3.00 polarized sunglasses at the French Market
6:A cool t-shirt I had made at this one store. It had the word Qubec, but I had the dude with blue hair ring cut that out before pressing the shirt. Misty got a shirt that says "I drove my Chevy to the Levee but the Levee was gone."
7: "Hurricane on the Bayou" IMAX movie. Very good. It focuses on the area after the storm, not just New Orleans after the storm.
8: Another visit to the 9th Ward. (see photos below) It's still very bad. So when you hear someone say "New Orleans is back..." just look at these photos and make your own decision on if "New Orleans is back."
9:Sunday night in Morgan City to see Souled Out. An 11 piece cover band. Sounded good and they were fun to watch. (Seth: I don't know how the trickle down works... but 12 bucks went into Daiquiris and Co. via Misty's debit card.)
10: Sleeping in on Monday. (till noon)
Yep, this weekend ranks right up there with the best of them. I'd put it in the top 5... easy.
and now the ninth ward photos...