First of all... I've got a quick work out tip. If your plan is to run to the gym, work out, then run back... DO NOT sit in the sauna for 15 minutes before running back. You will be worthless and you legs will feel like noodles.
Now then, I've got a couple of firsts I'd like to share.
I got a new camera on Monday. Well, new to me at least. And I've always been kind of superstitious when it comes to new cameras. I want my first picture with the new camera to be somewhat meaningful or good. So when I finally got the camera up and running, I took a picture of my wall.

My plan was to also share the picture from my first assignment with the new camera. But that assignment sucked. So plan B is sharing the first picture taken with the new camera that I like. The state police flew a helicopter to Southdown Elementary school today to show the kids. So I parked myself in front of the kids as the chopper flew over before landing.