I've still got a lot of work to do. but I think it's to a point where I can make it live. There's not much content on it right now, but that will change soon.
So if you see any bugs, or have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.
Now then... This weekend was pretty uneventful. The circus was in town and I shot the Friday night show. For an hour before the show, people can come down to the floor and interact with the performers. It's a good chance to get photos of locals rather than the out-of-town performers. There were a couple dudes in the ring juggling and a bunch of people watching (including me) Their assistant lady tapped me on the shoulder and said something (she was Russian so I really didn't understand her). But I realized that she wanted me to go out in the ring with the jugglers.
The two guys started juggling around me, tossing their pins on ether side of me and walking in a circle around me. It was pretty crazy.
So of course I took photos.
-Thibodaux High School (made an unexpected run in the playoffs but lost on Friday in the quarterfinals)
-Oregon State (I picked them in the Jimmy C contest and they got spanked)
-Missouri (I've always gone for Mizzou in the border war)
-Oklahoma State (I just don't like OU and wanted them to lose)
-KSU basketball (Lost to Kentucky by 2)
-KSU basketball (Lost to Iowa by 2)
-Saints (Lost to Tampa Bay by 3)
-Chiefs (Well, I guess they won, but I haven't really followed them this year)
The only thing I have hope for is my fantasy team... the team I'm playing has one player left who plays on Monday night, and I'm up by about 8 points. So everybody cheer against Owen Daniels and hope he doesn't score and fumbles a lot. Or just doesn't do anything.
I'm going to get back to watching Men in Black and folding laundry. Have a good week .