It's been an awesome trip so far, other than the score of the KSU vs KU game of course.
The weekend was awesome. Friday night, Ben, Jess and I went out for dinner and crashed early. Saturday, we went to Lawrence for the KU game. Looking back, I'm glad we didn't get tickets. We had a blast hanging out on "the hill" The weather was fantastic, the game was not. I brought a few dozen purple beads with me to the game. We had a great time tossing beads to the KSU fans before the game.
That night we met up with Bradley who was in town for a workshop, John and Eric, a friend of Ben's. We had a few beers and way to much pizza. It was dubbed "Ben's bachelor party" but really didn't live up to the bachelor party stereotype. But it was still fun.
I came home with John on Sunday morning after an awesome breakfast of homemade biscuits and gravy.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week have been really laid back for me. Sleeping in, going for a couple jogs and just kicking it in my parents' comfy leather couch.
I visited my grandparents who recently moved into a new apartment in a retirement community. They have an awesome view from their balcony. This shot is looking East.
Yesterday, mom took me on a tour of the tornado damage. It was pretty impressive to see the track of the tornado. A few of my high school buddies had quite a bit of damage to their homes. The tornado first touched down near Warner Park, where I ran cross country races back in the day. So mom and I took a little stroll through the park. It's a little chunk of tall grass prairie in the middle of growing neighborhoods.
Tonight, after a dinner at the new Kites Bar and Grill (which is filled with awesome, historic KSU sports photos) dad and I went to the KSU vs OU volleyball game. It was cool to clap along to the fight song, do the Wabash and see the Cats get a win. We ran into and sat with long-time family friends, the Robinsons. So that was cool to catch up with them.
I've got some video of the game winning point and the crowd doing the Wabash, but I don't feel like waiting for it to finish uploading to YouTube. Maybe next post.
Next up on the trip... a trip to campus to talk to some classes and show some work from Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. And after that, it's off to KC for all the wedding festivities.
Cool, back to watching 300. I really have no clue what's going on right now, but it's still a pretty cool flick.