The wedding was great. Better than I could have imagined. My only responsibilities were to usher people to their seats before the ceremony, pass out the packets of bird seed after the ceremony and have fun at the reception. I was flawless.
Here are a few shots I grabbed during the day. I only carried my point and shoot with me during the day, so I don't have much.
This is the Firetruck outside the church before the ceremony.
Here's Michelle making her way down the isle at the start of the ceremony. Notice how crowded it is? Must have taken some mighty fine ushers to make sure all those people had a place to sit.
The newlyweds arrived at the Reception in style... on the Firetruck.
Cake Cutting.
You couldn't ask for a better day. I got to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in a while, the weather was perfect and the best part... now I have in-laws. I've never really had in-laws before. I'm just so happy for John and Michelle. It was pretty special to have all the Stamey's together for something like this. Then add our new "other side" of the family and all the friends and it was an amazing weekend.
Now, fast forward to this afternoon.... I finally did something something I've probably been needing to do for about three years. Register my car in Louisiana.
Yep, the ole' Alero is now a Louisianaian (if that's even a word). Right after I graduated High School, I worked for the Manhattan Mercury. One afternoon I watched one of the reporters take her California plate off her car and put on her Kansas Plate. It wasn't that big of a deal, but I remember thinking "I wonder if I'll ever move out of state and have to change my plate?" Well, I did move out of state, but just never got around to swapping plates.
So now if I do something stupid while driving, I can't think to myself "Well, the person I just pissed off will forgive me when they see that I'm not from here"
I guess it means I'm a little more local now.
I went with the Environmental plate. I had the choice between the normal Louisiana Plate, the "Save the Louisiana Black Bear" plate and the Envromental plate. I thought the Brown Pelican was pretty cool. I think it cost me a little extra but the lady said it goes towards a good cause.
So say goodbye to VAP 039 and say Hello to 9971