Friday: I had lunch with Misty (mom's spaghetti) and said goodbye. She thought I was leaving that evening. But nope, my flight was Saturday morning so I was able to go to the first night of the Voice of the Wetlands Festival... that Misty had been working on for the past few months. I suprised her at the festival that night.
Saturday: Thanks to Misty for driving me to the Airport REALLY early in the morning. Got into KC just fine. Went to my brothers new house. Had lunch at Arby's (not Hardee's). Drove back to Manhattan. Met up with Kelly and went to the Stadium to tail gate before the Colorado game.
The game was awesome. I saw some friends and family I haven't seen in a while and was able to sit with my mom. I've never done that before. We had a great time. Near the end of the third quarter, Colorado lined up to punt. I leaned over to mom and said "Five bucks if they block it." And sure enough.. they did, and recovered it for a touchdown. We both went crazy (well, the entire stadium went crazy, but I'm sure we went the most crazy). Kansas State won by 27
Here's a shot of the stadium before the game.
Sunday: I decided to be lazy and just watch some football in the TV room at my parents house. They have nice leather comfey chairs, HD TV and wireless internet. So I just kicked back and watched the games... and watched my Fantasy team.
Sunday evening my stomach started to act up... and that night things took a turn for the worse. I didn't sleep at all because my chrones decided to flare up. I finally dozed off for a few hours around 6 a.m.
Monday: My stomach still hurt... all day. I spent the entire day in the leather comfey chairs in pain. It was cool to be lazy and do nothing, but it sucked being sick. I called my Doctor in Houma and they hooked me up with some Steiroids. And they did the trick.
Tuesday: I woke up able to bench press 325lbs and then beat up my dog. Not really... but I did feel great. I played with my dog for a while, took a shower for the first time in two days, went to lunch and did some shopping.
Plans for the rest of the week include... A trip to Wichita so see Kelly and meet Lili, A visit with the grandparents and then the wedding festivities. (That's actually why I'm here, my brother John is getting married on Saturday)
I'll post more later