She hit up the local arts and craft store and came home with some paint, all sorts of brushes, and some canvas things.
So tonight, after watching Desperate Housewives, the two of us sat down at the kitchen table and did some art.
It was the first time for both of us to paint on canvas like that. We drew a line down the middle and each took a side. (Misty on the left, Matt on the right)
This is what we ended up with. It's now hanging in Misty's kitchen above her freezer.
Then, Taylor wanted in on the art action. So Misty hooked her up with some kids paint, a few brushes and a blank piece of paper and let her go to town.
Her legs and hand ended up with just as much paint as the paper, but that's why they have kids paint.
I don't think you'll be seeing the Mona Lisa from the three of us anytime soon. But we're sure going to have fun trying.