Two weeks ago, the lady Patriots of Ellender Memorial High School won their 4th or 5th State championship. (can't remember) And last Friday, their male counterparts played for a state title as well. The school was 5 points away from being the first team in Louisiana History to bring home a boys and girls state championship in the same year. I was pulling for them. But the boys lost a heart breaker in overtime to a team they beat by 17 earlier in the season.
But anyway... On Friday, Misty and I headed to Lafayette to shoot two state title games. E.D. White (a Thibodaux team) and Ellender both played. Both teams lost, but misty and I kicked some major photographing butt with the amount and quality of images posted online to (feel free to purchase reprints of any of the photos online as well... we just got that up and running too.)
And today, I finally finished up a slide show from the Ellender Girls state championship game. Check it out here... and check out the photo on the cover of my website of a dude doing a flip.
And I'll leave you with a photo that ran on the front page of the Courier the morning after the Ellender boys lost. The image was cropped in the print edition to fit the space provided. So that sucked. But that's why we have other outlets for photos now-days. They cropped the guys celebrating out of the top. Which, to me, is just as important to the image as the sad kid in the front. Oh well, I'll chalk this up to a good example of Print vs Web.