Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Well fed

The break room at the office looks like a convient store. I quickly
found the cheese!

I've Moved!

Hey all... I'm sure most of the people who read this blog already know what's going on, but just in case, here's what's up.

Gustav. Gustav. Gustav.

Thank you, goodnight!

That's pretty much everything I've dealt with the past few days. I took my first shower in three days this morning, it was cold, but I don't care.

I'm living at the Courier office right now. They have a generator, a little bit of A/C, running water... pretty much everything my house doesn't have.

And, my blog has moved for the time being to the courier website. You can see it here. And my photos are up there as well. (I don't know why there's a video on top of that page... but that's where my galleries are)

I'll try to post on this blog too, but things get kind of crazy during storm coverage.

Monday, September 01, 2008

My area.

This is my little spot inside the Comet newsroom.

I'm hitting the sack now. No storm yet, but I assume Gustav will be my