But that didn't stop me from taking pictures.
So Friday afternoon Misty, Taylor and I picked up some fireworks at a local stand, grabbed some lunch, then hit up a Dollar General store for some cheap toys.
We headed over to Val and Dustins place and slid on the homemade slip-n-slide (huge piece of plastic, dishwasher soap and water). After drying off, we ate some crawfish and started popping fireworks.
In past years, I've ether had to not pop fireworks because I've been working, or had to leave the party early to go work.
After a few hours of smoke bombs, waterproof firecrackers in the bayou and other random fireworks, we busted out the cheap Dollar General toys.
Misty got some plastic boats that we strapped fireworks too and pushed them into the bayou.
After the toys were destroyed and the night came to an end, Misty and Taylor went on a sparkler marathon. I don't know how many they went through, but it was a bunch.
I didn't shoot many pictures throughout the night, but Misty did. I know she got some really cool stuff during sunset and me jumping by the light of one of those strobe things. So check with her to see some better photos. But here are a few I did shoot during the sparkler marathon at the end of the night.