A while ago, I misplaced a couple items that I wish I hadn't. My money clip and my 2GB flash card.
I tend to lose these guys quite a bit because they're fairly small. But most of the time, I leave them in a shirt or pants pocket and I'll find them in a day or two.
Well, I went about a month with out my money clip and a good two weeks without my 2GB flash card. I was past the "oh, it'll turn up" point.
The flash card is worth about 40 bucks, so it's not a huge deal, but still... and the money clip was a college graduation gift, so I was a little more worried about that.
Last Saturday night, I get an email from Misty at 10:30 p.m. asking if I want to meet her in New Orleans (She's shooting a wedding and was going to be done around midnight)
So I take a quick shower and get dressed. I put my hands in my jean pockets and... MONEY CLIP!!! with about 12 bucks. I forgot that I wore those jeans a while back.
I was feeling lucky for having found my money clip so I started searching (some more) for my flash card. I look inside the little pockets of my backpack because I was using that bag the last time I used the card. And.... no flash card... but I did find 40 bucks!
I figured since the flash card is worth about 40 bucks, I'm about even.
Until I go to the casino... stupid penny slots.
Then yesterday, I notice that the lapel pin I got at the 2004 fiesta bowl is missing from my car. I had it pinned up between the visors. And in my search for that pin, I find my flash card.
SO... now, I've got my flash card, I've got my money clip. (still up about 10 bucks from that 40 I had not idea existed) But I'm out a free pin from the KSU vs Ohio State fiesta bowl.
eh... it'll turn up.
Now then, on Tuesday night, I was driving home after some BBQ at Val's house for her birthday (everybody say Happy Birthday Val!!). During the drive, I kept seeing a bunch of lightning.
For me, seeing lightning is like seeing a pretty snowfall, or an amazing sunset, or sweet light.... I just get this urge to photograph. It's a feeling like "I can't waste this chance to use what nature is giving me to make photographs." It's an anxious feeling.
I decided I wanted to go to the Downtown Marina and try to get some lightning pics from under the bridges. I couldn't get there fast enough. Each red light seemed to take twice as long and everybody went 5 mph under the speed limit.
I cross over the bridge to the West side (the side with the marina) and make the u-turn to get to the Marina.
But stupid me was in the wrong lane... so I was forced to cross back over the bridge to the east side.
At this point, I was so frustrated, I just knew all the lighting would be over by the time I got back to the West side, so I said "Screw it, I'll shoot the lightning from the East side."
Kind of glad it happened that way now...
And, if you get a chance... I've made a slight change to my website. With my very limited web design skills, I created a multimedia page. There's only one thing up there right now. But there will be more soon.
Oh... and I started back running again today. I felt like a million bucks during my 2-mile jog tonight. It's going to take a small miracle for me to reach my goal for this month... so if anybody has some KU gear they don't need, I'm taking donations. Will wearing a Paul Pierce Finals MVP shirt count as KU gear?