To make this years graduation season different (and more fun for me) I did a couple things to entertain myself.
First, I set up a remote camera in the cat walk of the Civic Center. On Monday, Misty helped me set up the lights and camera. She donated her brand new pocket wizards for me to use. (thanks!) Of the four graduations where I used the remote camera, it only worked on two of them. And, of those two graduations, I only got one picture I liked. It could be better, but I learned a lot, so next year... watch out.
But my major project during these graduations were the videos. Before each ceremony, I set up the camera backstage and just let the graduates do whatever they wanted on the Microphone. It was a blast. The reporter, also named Matt, would go round up people to talk, then send them my way. I'd tell the graduates that they could talk about whatever they waned. And what came out was pretty crazy. We had a blast editing down all the quotes after each ceremony. It made for some late nights, but it was well worth it.
So if you get a few extra minutes, check out these videos. I know you won't know anybody, but they're still fun to watch.
Now... everybody say Hi to Misty and Taylor who are at Disney World right now. The last update I got said Taylor was walking around with a goat named Luke at Animal Kingdom. Can't wait to hear the full story with that.