I remember in taking a small, hand-held TV to class with me in 7th grade to watch the Cats play in the Tournament. My Social Studies teacher, Mrs. Getz, allowed me to watch the game. I got a really fuzzy signal, but was able to see some of the game. The game hadn't finished yet by the time school let out, so mom and I listened to the rest of the game on the radio on the way home in our big van. We lost.
A couple other points of interest going on right now...
I ran in another race last Saturday. The over and Under Tunnel run. They think it's the only road race in the country that goes over... and under.... the same body of water. I had been practicing the hills of the bridge and tunnel for a couple weeks leading up to the race. It paid off. I passed about 10 people on the final hill.. most of them were walking. So that felt awesome.
If you get a chance, check out and bookmark Misty's new photo blog. She just started it last night and I assume it'll be filled with her work. The first image on there is one she just took at a baseball game. It's pretty impressive so check it out when you get a chance.
I'll leave you with a pretty nasty image I took the other day. It's from a really bad wreck I went too. It was the strangest thing how it happened inside the Civic Center, with an audience of high school kids, right before prom season. And the victims blood was Ciro Syrup.