Well, I rode in another parade. Misty and I were in the Krewe of Kajuns Parade today. It was amazing. Houma has two parades on Fat Tuesday. The Krewe of Houmas goes first and the Krewe of Kajuns is right after. We were the first float on the second parade.
Holy Cow it was fun.
We didn't really buy any more stuff to throw. We just caught enough stuff during all the other parades to give us enough to throw.
anyway, here are some pictures.
Misty and I before the start of the parade.... yep, we're dorks.
We start by the Mall in Houma, and make our way downtown. At the start, when we turn the corner onto the parade route, this is what you see. And it's pretty much like this the entire route.
Okay.. Okay... So it didn't quite look like this parade... but I bet I threw more things at people than Eli did.
Anyway, with all the people along the route... this is all you saw for about 4 hours. (Just imagine the yelling and screaming.... Sometimes I'd just wave my arms and scream back at them. That usually shut them up for a little bit)
And when you pass buy a building with windows, you get to see how you look. In this photo... find the foam taco hat, and you'll find me.
And that's all I took really. I spent too much time throwing and juggling and spinning those hand helicopter things into the crowd. (which was Awesome because we had a strong wind today. I'd spin them towards some kid, and it would end up 50 yards away. It was great)
Oh, and I plan to finally get back into running tomorrow. The good ole Staph Infection has gone down enough for me to be able to start working out again. So I'll celebrate Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent with a nice jog.