Anyway, onto more important things... like the Saints. Good luck finding anything other than XXL white Aaron Brooks Jerseys in Houma. They've sold out of everything. It's amazing what the success of a football team will do to people. Misty and I were at a sporting good store Thursday watching a huge line of people wait for a shipment of Saints shirts.
And another thing I just want to throw out there really quick. I don't think the cold will have any effect on the outcome of the game. These are professional athletes who have played in pretty much every weather condition.... and most aren't from the South anyway. If it sleets or snows then maybe we can blame the weather. But if it's 22 degrees... home field is the only advantage Chicago has. (And maybe the Sports Illustrated cover jinx if you believe in that)
Speaking of Sports Illustrated, I've been subscribed since 1999. I choose to only get the one year deal instead of saving a bunch of money buy getting the three year deal. Because each time you renew your subscription, they give you a free gift. I've got a blanket, two gym bags, two sweatshirts, the Tampa Bay Bucks Super Bowl package and a long sleeve shirt.
A few weeks ago, I renewed my subscription for another year and choose to receive another sweatshirt. (I wear the other two on a regular basis and the new one is a different style). Today I get a big package from S.I. and I assume it's my sweatshirt. There's a sticker on the outside that says they had to sub my sweatshirt for a product of equal or grater value. So I ended up with a grey t-shirt and a black wind breaker. I haven't decided if I'm happy with that or not. I don't wear wind breakers that much but I might start now.
Speaking of free Sports Illustrated sweatshirts, I wore one of mine to the Saints Playoff game last Saturday. Before the game, I was walking around the dome looking for the bathroom. I wondered onto the field just for the heck of it. A security guy stops me and says "Ah... Sports Illustrated, one of your guys is looking for you. He went that way." and pointed some way. He then went on to describe the guy to me and never really gave me a chance to say anything. I just nodded and listened. The last thing he said was "He looked like a pretty important person." So I replied "Well, I'm pretty important myself, I'll go see what he wanted. Thanks." And went back on my search for the bathroom. I walked past that guy at least a dozen times during the game. Each time giving him a "what's up" nod.